Friday, June 22, 2012


 Naveed, is a Persian name meaning "bearer of good news" or "best wishes". 
So, it's been a while since I've posted, and I suppose that this blog has evolved into more of a random thought post for me instead of my vehicular chronicles. The title of this post occurred to me originally from the band "Our Lady Peace", who enlisted this name as their title track on their first album. It is definitely not a new release, and I suppose I chose to reference it not only for it's meaning in general, but it's relevance to me after so many years of listening to it. 
 As I've mentioned before, I now find myself a little over a year of being officially separated. There has been quite a number of emotions, dynamics, and discoveries during this process, not the least of which is the fact that I have grown to be quite a bit more philosophical about the little intricacies we see every day. Every once in a while, the pondering evolves into a lesson, and it subtly shapes my character as I go forward in life. Who ever said "school is never out" couldn't be more right. 
 So, in reference to this particular song bearing the title of this post; it made me stop and think of a number of scenarios that are close to me. The song, in my own personal translation of it, metaphorically describes the best intentions that could be projected to others, but in spite of this, some circumstances have people either being afraid of improving their particular state, or choosing to let the chips fall and the inevitable result be realized. The song depicts an extreme conclusion, but speaks to the realization that despite your best intentions, some people    just might not want, or be able to receive your love.  To whit: "would Naveed let a young man die"  Kind of like leading a horse to water, but not being able to make him drink. Don't get me wrong; I have no divine insight into this, but it is how I interpret it. 
 What the Hell does all this mean? Lol, I guess it helps me understand how I've processed my own troubles, and why people close to me might process theirs differently. In my case, I have had no shortage of kindness shown to me, and that gave me the strength to face the pain head on, heal, and find the path forward. It has also helped me to be supportive of others that would not approach their difficulties the same way; and to remain caring, understanding and patient for them, regardless of how they choose to carry on. On some level, we must understand that we can't all save the world, and let people find their own path. It's not up to us as individuals to change the course of the world, but to be versatile and roll with things as they come, and above all else remain true to our values. We must understand that we cannot be all things to all people, and that's just a fact of life. 

 Anyway, this might read as nonsense to some, but it's my blog, and I'll write what I want to :) To any readers, I hope that the day finds you well.