Spring is finally here! I've been on the motorcycle once with my son, windows are open at home, and I'm not wearing a coat this week!
I'm writing this time after having quite a wonderful evening recently. This last week or two have been significant in that I have made a few more steps that are pretty big, and somehow I'm coming out to the other side with a little smile emerging. At work, I've had some issues that have finally grown to a point that a decision needed to be made, and after a 19 year run, I'm going to be moving on. It is a matter of considerable stress for me, but I've got to make a change for the sake of survival and long term happiness.
I may have also mentioned before that I am facing a pretty ugly financial reality, and this week I took the first and biggest steps to address it. It'll be a long road, but I am finally emerging from the errors I made previously, and moving toward a stable future.
Also, Julie and I are going to be finalizing the divorce in the next week or so. We have been very fortunate; we have managed to find our way through the separation on our own, and have become good friends. We are actually going to be going for a celebratory dinner once the paperwork is final, and we will raising a glass in honor of our new futures.
While I was kind of surmising my overall status (broke, soon to be unemployed, and divorced, lol) I had the chance to go and see an absolutely gifted and amazing musician, in the company of a couple of great old friends. I realized just how lucky I am, and I felt a true happiness that I was on the right track after letting go. I beat my smoking addiction. I am a huge part of my son's life. I love my friends. I feel nothing but love and warmth from those close to me, and I can't overstate how thankful I am to be healthy enough to enjoy it. On the road to recovery, as they say.
To keep in the spirit of sharing great music, here is a little tune from the aforementioned musician I went to see the other night. He had the whole crowd entranced when he played this one: